

In my attempt at becoming more organized, I've come up with FPF (Free Printable Friday).. because we all know how crazy life can get, adding some organization around here, might help the craziness a bit :). This also means you will be seeing a lot more action around the blog and I hope you are at least half as excited as I am!

Today I am bringing to all of you, special people, a pretty garland...

It is doily inspired and comes in two colors. And because I don't want to limit your possibilities with it, I am letting you write whatever you want in it. Use it for birthday parties, write your child's name, use it to inspire your space, etc.

And let me show you a trick to make this tiny version:

To make it this small, on your PDF, hit "File" and "Print":

Click on "Multiple":

Select "4" Pages per sheet (select 2 if you want a medium size and 6 if you want a smaller size), and choose "Landscape" orientation:

Hit Print and there you have it!
Download:    blue    pink
Stay inspired ♥