
Irish Blessing

Do you know the real story of Patricius? also (quite popularly) known as St. Patrick?

..Well, I decided it was time for me to do some digging and  find out the real story and I learned some pretty interesting things surfing through the web. All of this you may or may not know, but for those who don't know, you should probably do some research yourself, you might be surprised what you find out, as I was.

Patrick was an admirable man, he dedicated his life to the Irish people (and no, he was not born in Ireland). He had lived there as a slave when he was young and he had seen all the idolatry and cruelty among the people and after escaping back home he decided he would go back and teach the Irish about God's love. God brought many to Christ through Patrick, "After many years of ministry, Patrick had trained 450 church leaders. They started over 300 new churches. Over 120,000 people became Christians. The country changed its laws to be more like biblical teachings." (source: Naya Jeevan website

Isn't that amazing? There's a lot more! but I let you read the rest if you like in their sites; these are the sources that I found most helpful: 12 and of course wiki. And no, I couldn't find much about rainbows and leprechauns :0

After all the research, I decided I would make a printable based on the original story of St. Patrick. And here it is:

Hope you like it!
Download here.

Oh, and I also really had to say this:
